Topic Information
Battles, Bombs and Bravery - Autumn Term 2023
This Autumn term, we are learning about World War 2. This will link to Literacy when we use the text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ in Guided Reading and as a stimulus for writing.
We will have an evacuation day in September, in which children will experience what it was like for children in WW2 to leave their homes. We will be going on a very exciting trip this year for our evacuation on the Bluebell railway.
The Evacuation and the VE days are dress-up days, so please start raiding your cupboard or looking in charity shops for costumes. The children will bake, sew, garden and sing songs whilst enjoying a traditional lunch.
Over the Deep Blue Sea - Spring Term 2024
Our spring History and Geography topic in Year Six is ‘Over the deep blue sea’.
Within this topic we learn all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and our key text in Literacy is ‘Life of Pi’.
We will look at where the Saxons and Vikings came from, where they settled, their home lives, Gods & Goddesses and how they lived their day-to-day life.
We will then study the text ‘Life of Pi’ by Yann Martell and use this to inspire our writing; we will also do some work linked to the ocean and animals you may find in a zoo.
We will have our Viking visitor to really bring the topic to life.
The children will also design and make a seat cushion for their DT project and make a video for the younger pupils to advise on e-safety and how to be safe online within ICT.
We will be composing a Viking War chant in our music lessons and working on our disciplinary knowledge within Hockey and Real Gym. The children in Y6 will complete artwork based on Viking funeral depictions and will be following the Y6 PSHCE curriculum.
Fears and Dreams - Summer Term 2024
Our topic for the summer term is called ‘Fears and Dreams’. The children will be looking at the story of Philippe Petite, who wire-walked across the Twin Towers. They will be thinking about the transition to secondary school and discussing what their own fears and dreams are for the future.
Later on in the term we will visit ‘Chessington World of Adventures’, where children can face their fears whilst living the dream. There will also be a chance to reflect on their time at Eastbrook and celebrate their wonderful achievements!