Welcome to Eastbrook
This website will provide you with information about our school and give you an insight into the opportunities children have throughout their time with us.
Eastbrook is a two-form entry school, for children aged 4-11. It is situated on the south coast near Brighton, serving children from the Southwick and Fishersgate communities. The school benefits from wonderful facilities and extensive playing fields, including an indoor swimming pool. There is also an active PTA (Parent Teacher Association) who work closely with the school to support key events and organise fundraisers throughout the year.
Mr Paul Wade
At Eastbrook our mission is to work together to create a school where:
‘Everyone Matters and Every Day Counts’.
We ensure that every child is known and cared for as an individual from the moment they enter the school gates.
Our main aim at Eastbrook Primary Academy is to provide each pupil with the opportunity to become a life-long learner by nurturing pupils' individuality and creativity, guiding pupils' learning and challenging pupils to think independently through the shared involvement of staff, parents and the wider community.
This website can only give a snapshot of Eastbrook. We welcome visitors, so please contact us if you would like the opportunity to experience our school first-hand.
You can contact the school office on 01273 874050 or via email: office@eastbrook.w-sussex.sch.uk
We look forward to meeting you.
Paul Wade (Headteacher)