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Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 Page

We will keep you up to date with what is happening in your child’s year group in this section. Details of their topics, class trips, WOW days and activities can all be found here.

During the Summer term of Year 6, pupils undertake national Standard Assessment Tests (SATs) for the end of Key Stage 2. Pupils are assessed in English, Maths, SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and Science.

Mrs S. Green,  Mrs H. Walker and Mr. J Pugh

Fears and Dreams - Summer  2022




Over the deep blue sea - Spring Term 2022

Our spring topic in Year Six is ‘Over the deep blue sea’. Within this topic we learn all about the Vikings and our key text in Literacy is ‘Life of Pi’. We will look at where the Vikings came from, where they settled, their home lives, Gods & Goddesses and the type of people they really were. We will then study the text ‘Life of Pi’ by Yann Martell and use this to inspire our writing; we will also do some work linked to the ocean and animals you may find in a zoo. Hopefully we will have our Viking visitor to really bring the topic to life.

Battles, Bombs and Bravery - Autumn Term 2021

In Year Six this Autumn term, we are learning about World War 2. This will link to Literacy when we use the text ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ in Guided Reading and as a stimulus for writing.


We will have an evacuation day in September, in which the children will experience what it was like for children in WW2 to leave their homes. Thankfully they will only be travelling to Fishersgate for the morning, but it really helps inspire their empathy for the topic.


We will also be visiting Newhaven Fort just before half-term (if this is permitted) and will finish our topic with a celebratory VE day. The children will bake, sew, garden and sing songs whilst enjoying a traditional lunch. The Evacuation and the VE day are dress up days, so please start raiding your cupboard or looking in charity shops for costumes.