Below you will find the statement of intent and the subject overview.
Music at Eastbrook
”Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything”

Why do we promote music at Eastbrook?
We believe that music
- Engages and inspires our children.
- It increases every child’s self-confidence.
- It gives all children a role to play in school performances.
- It brings us together as one, particularly in singing.
- It can bring enjoyment to those in our wider community.
- It allows every child to succeed.
- It can extend children’s knowledge of other faiths and cultures.
- It can enhance special occasions in school.
- It should provide opportunities to listen to a variety of musical genres.
- It promotes positivity.
- It gives children the opportunity to play a musical instrument.
Core Eastbrook Learning Value: Aspiration
Aspiring to perform, listen and respond to music lifts children’s mood and improves their well-being.