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Pupil Voice

At Eastbrook our pupils play a key role in promoting our values. Here you will find information about some of the ways the children make a contribution to school life.


Our Academy is organised into 4 houses. Each house is named after a local castle and given a colour. 

Children are placed in houses when they join Eastbrook and stay in the same house throughout their time here. If siblings attend Eastbrook, they are all placed within the same house.

Our houses and colours are as follows:

Bodiam – Green

Lewes – Blue

Arundel – Red

Bramber – Yellow

Throughout the week, children are awarded house points for good learning. The House Captains count up the house points every week and these are celebrated each Friday in Celebration assembly.

House Captains

Following a school vote, two pupils from each house are selected to be House Captains.  This is an important role at Eastbrook. Our House Captains act as ambassadors for the school.  They represent the school on a number of occasions across the year and are involved in a range of events including: showing visitors around, helping at parents evening, putting up the main Christmas Tree (!) and being photographed whenever the local newspapers are covering a story at the school!



School Council

Eastbrook School Council consists of pupils from Year 1 to Year 6.  These children are voted into place by their peers and have an important job as they represent all of the pupils in the school.  They also help to organise fundraising events and open the Suggestions Box regularly to see what ideas the children have to improve the school even more.  They meet every fortnight and are supported by Mrs Button and Mrs Sutcliff .

If you are a pupil at our school and you have any ideas please speak to your school council member.

Fund Raising

School Council enjoy organising fundraising activities.  They raised £667 to help fund resources for our playgrounds. We also enjoyed collecting for Children in Need and raised around £400.

Recent Meetings

So far this year, our School Council have discussed:

  • break times
  • how we learn geography skills and where we could visit to enhance our geography learning
  • healthy eating and how we can promote it within school
  • rewarding children who always show excellent behaviour
  • how we can help children who find staying calm difficult