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- Archive of Spring 2021 Learning Packs
- Spring 1 Week 5
Spring 1 Week 5
Our topic for this term is Over the Deep Blue Sea .
There will be online lessons, via Microsoft Teams, for you to join throughout the week. An email will be sent with all the information you need.
This week we will focus on looking at the main characters in 'Life of Pi' and explain how they may have different points of view on moving to Canada. We will also write in the style of Yann Martel, using some of his rich vocabulary. In maths we will be introduced to algebra. There will also be more fascinating facts about the Vikings explored and science linked to YOU!
We have created a proposed weekly timetable for you to work through, with activities for you to complete. The resources for these activities can be found below.
If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact us using the year group email address. We look forward to seeing you online.