Remote Learning
Welcome to our Remote Learning provision. In this part of the website we will be providing access to curriculum-based learning for all pupils who are currently not able to attend school, as in the case of the current National Lockdown. This link will take you to our Remote Learning Statement for Parents.
At Eastbrook, we are very proud of our pupils’ positive attitude and determination over the past months. During this ongoing, challenging time, we are determined to ensure that our curriculum provision and pastoral support are both as effective as possible.
In these pages, you will find Spring Learning Packs* containing resources to help you facilitate your child’s learning at home. As a guide, we plan to provide at least three hours of learning a day for children in Key Stage 1 and four hours for children in Key Stage 2.
There will be a weekly suggested timetable for learning and teacher videos (or MS Teams live lessons - see below) to introduce new concepts and explain key aspects of the curriculum . Pupils have access to educational programs that we subscribe to, such as ActiveLearn Primary (EYFS, Years 1 and 2), Sumdog (Years 3 and 4) and MyMaths (Years 5 and 6). You will also find links to other quality educational online resources such as BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy.
Parents will be contacted directly with information about how to join live lessons as they are rolled out, starting with the oldest pupils in the school. There will also be regular virtual ‘Class Check-in’ sessions that give pupils a chance to see their teacher and peers, ask questions and share their experiences.
Assemblies are an important part of school life. Our most recent ones can be accessed by clicking on the Assembly link. There will be regular assemblies from Mrs Sherlock, Mrs Naylor, Mr Owen and other guests.
We want to reach out to all families and stay connected as we manage learning between home and school. Parents and carers are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher using the year group email address not only to share pupils’ work but also to ask any questions. Do not hesitate to get in touch, for example, if you need support with Wi-Fi, devices or data. Please continue refer to the school’s Newsletter for up-to-date information and to celebrate all our pupils’ achievements, whether at school or at home.
Finally, attached you will also find guides to support remote learning in the Useful Home Learning Links and Resources section. E-safety advice can be found in the Additional Information section of this website and we are also offering some resources to help with pupil well-being.
* In this section, you will also find Self-isolating packs for when schools are open to all but your child has to self-isolate at home for a short period. These cover more general topics and provide activities for the first few days of an absence.