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- Archived Learning Activities
- Archived Summer 1 Activities
- Year 5 Summer 1 Week 1
Year 5 Summer 1 Week 1
We hope that you enjoyed completing the Easter Activities. We have seen some of your Easter Egg designs on our way to school and they have cheered us up.
For the first half of the Summer Term we have decided that all year groups will share the same theme, which we are calling Animal Kingdom. We are hoping that this means if you have a brother or sister you will be able to share some of your learning with them.
Each week we will learn more about different types of animals and we are starting with the topic Endangered Animals. Click on the link for the Year 5 Learning Video. It is from one of the teachers in your Year Group introducing the week’s topic. There is also a topic web and resources to support some of the activities referred to in the web. We have tried to make sure there are alternative options to printing as we know many of you do not have access to a printer.
Please use the web as a starting point for your learning. Read through all of the sections, with an adult, as many of the activities are linked. Activities where there is a resource to help have been written in red and these can be found below.
Each week there will also be a video introducing the maths web which includes various activities for you to try.
We will also be adding some subject pages to provide you with more activities that you might want to try at home.
Please don’t forget to share your learning via your year group email. You can also use the email to ask your teachers any questions about the topic.
We hope you enjoy learning about the different animals and can’t wait to see the work you produce.